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About YDS


Your Desired Success exists because of Martin W Ball's vision…


“I imagine a world where people wake up every day inspired, experience fulfilment, feel safe and are open to conscious collaboration in order to help each of us achieve our desired success.”


Think of a circle with a line through the middle from top to bottom, creating a ‘left side’ and a 'right side'.

On the left is the YDS 'community'... A conscious space, connecting like-minded people to support each other in achieving our desired success.

On the right is the YDS ‘membership’ software. A place to be seen, heard, contribute, earn an income and be surrounded by like-minded people who are open and willing to personally grow in specific areas or all areas of their lives. Through Masterminds and Masterclasses in particular, it gives us the opportunity to connect and communicate as we strive toward self mastery, where the self-transcendent shift from the ‘ME’, to the ‘WE’, to the ‘US’ occurs. As congruence and engagement increases, we believe the world’s consciousness is then raised, one meaningful and inspired relationship at a time.

Napoleon Hill, the author of Think & Grow Rich, inspired Martin to co-create a Mastermind Community.

As a community, we invite you to learn more about our current Mastermind and Masterclass presenters below in order for you to get a feeling for who's call you would like to connect on. 

About the YDS Presenters

Martin W Ball

An Inspirational Leader

In reflection, my own life has taught me many lessons, lessons I am grateful for, in particular, how I trusted and acted on my own desires to experience a better life and create an impact in the world. So, I approach each day as an opportunity to inspire people to trust and act on their desires so that they can inspire others, creating a greater impact in the world. I do this through making sure I go on green lights, I create meaningful relationships, I live in alignment with my core values, I always come home and I create opportunities to grow. The Masterminds I facilitate each week are focused on inspiring people to take responsibility for their own desired success and then assisting those people along their adventure to achieving what it is that has meaning to them. Your Desired Success gives me a place to be seen, heard and to contribute my knowledge, experience and wisdom with those ready to receive. I look forward to connecting with you in the community.

Antje Swart

Consciousness Elevator

Antje Swart is the Consciousness Elevator with a German passport, a South African heart currently living Sweden. Highly intuitive with both feet on the ground and a keen sense for practical application of universal success principles, she helps people to identify their limiting subconscious programming, shifting back into a more empowering positive mindset so they can truly be themselves and create the lifestyle they desire. As a Certified Hypnotherapist and Coach, her mission is to support and empower people mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, financially – merging the spiritual being with the peak performer. You can also find her being silly with her two daughters and cats.

Kali Bolo

Global Light Worker

Hi, my name is Kali Bolo. I am a global light worker, motivated by the heart, soul and the spirt. I spent my younger years as a chef and then went into the field of nursing until I had a family. When my children (twins) were about 3 yrs old, I went searching for a better me and I started with meditation and learning the skills of energy clearing. I always had the intention of being a global light worker.

I joined a group of mainly women in Sydney - called 'The Peace Angels'. In our 7 years together, we regularly performed a dance for world peace and did a group meditation every week. It was an amazing experience working with, knowing and feeling the energy of angels, trusting we are all guided and supported. I appreciate guiding people in meditation, as this allows the self to have an experience of the heart magic within and the experience of clearing your personal energy blocks. I believe we are all connected energetically and when we understand this from a personal experience of the true nature and power of self, this brings you into the awareness that all of our choices and thoughts do make an impact in the world for all.

My favourite work to date is leading a Master-Mind... Connecting with everyone on the call has so much potential for growth, allowing self to be seen, heard, present to the energy of friendship, and also the opportunity to know, like and love self simply by expressing your authentic truth and listening to the wisdom shared. It brings for me a lighter feeling to my daily perspective of life. Combining these approaches, I hope to help you experience the magic of you! Namaste.

Bunky Slaw

Peak Performance Specialist

I’m Bunky, a peak performance specialist from the United States. In today's hectic world, we must be able to create balance in every aspect of our lives. Mental, emotional and physical strength is a necessity in order to have a life of abundance.We were put on this earth not just to live our life; we are here to love our life and fulfil our dreams, aspirations, and goals. Many people count the days in their life instead of making the days count towards something of significance. One must not dwell on what could have been; one must stay focused on what still can be through positive thinking and affirmations. My life has always been about helping others find the happiness and fulfillments that life can bring. The key to infinite happiness is controlling your thoughts and actions and, most of all, your decisions. One must remember that their present actions determine their future consequences. Your mindset defines your level of success. Are you a duplicator and follow the majority, or an innovator, one who goes against the majority to find a life of fulfillment versus a life of despair?

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